Sunday, 7 March 2010

Prompt 1

"From there to here,and here to there,funny things are everywhere."
This was prompt 1, so as I was off to snooze I remembered this funny thing on Lynne's dressing table and decided to get Lynne to take a photo of it

This is it's face, looks a bit 'duckie' to me LOL! Don't like the look of those lips!
What do you think it is? Lynne won't tell me LOL!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops Clemmie so sorry I called you Bongo
    I think it is a pen but it would be so difficult to write with it.

  3. i have no idea....pls tell us when you find out.

  4. mmm, I wonder what that could be? Joe's mummy won't let me type my first guess....LOL. Monkey x
