Saturday, 2 January 2010

2nd January My hopes and Dreams?

Good morning well I spent a very sleepless night thinking about these hopes and dreams. Lynne tried to explain this to me and told me not to worry about weight and things I don't know or don't understand but I did worry, especially about weight because I didn't realise how important it was before.
Anyway I hope
  • I don't become obsessed with weight LOL!! and can maintain? Still don't understand this word maintain, will have to use something called a dictionary and find out what this word means
  • I get my wellies soon so I can spend more time outside when it is frosty and rainy
  • Everyone that I meet likes me and I like them too
  • that the things I have to learn to do this year are not too difficult

and I dream about

  • proper dog food
  • lots of hugs
  • lots of walks not sure about this as I haven't seen Lynne put her head outside the door yet
Well I definitely dream about proper dog food as this cooked breakfast is def not my cuppa tea!

I hope when I finally met Mae and Florrie that they would like me? I think they did, I gave Mae a lovely cuddle while I waited for Peter and Lynne to get up,....they were late this morning nearly 9.15am


  1. Hello Clement F, you have such a cute face, no wonder you have lots of cuddles. You will have such fun this year and lots of adventures too!!

  2. Wow, cool friends you've got their, all furry too! Don't stress about things, just act cool!

  3. Wow lots of new friends visited and made already - looks like you have been having a fun day :)

    Fingers crossed that you get your own 'proper' food soon!!!

  4. Wow you have been busy over the last couple of days Clemmie. Hope your hopes and dreams all come true!

  5. Wow aren't you lucky to have two cat friends. perhaps Lynne will give you some of their food for that is very similar to dog food and as you are only little I am sure that they could spare you some.

  6. So nice to see cats and dogs getting along so well!!

  7. Clemmie you really have got some great friends there, always nice to have a friend to snuggle with. :o)

  8. Hi Clemmie, you look really cute. You have a friend here called Ollie who says go for the egg and bacon dog food is sooooo overrated! Hope all you dreams come true.

  9. awww, glad the meeting with the cats went so well. You look so cute it is no wonder everyone like you.
